Message From Our Representative
I would like to offer my heartfelt sympathy to people and businesses that are affected by the Great Tohoku Kanto Earthquake of March 11. While areas of the devastation are continuing to face great difficulties, we at DIA RUBBER are praying for swift recovery of safe and secure lifestyle to each and every survivor of the disaster, and offering our utmost support in recovery and reconstruction efforts.
Our website was developed to provide wide range of information including DIA RUBBER’s general business practices and products information in order to inform our customers about our diverse services. Since its founding, DIA RUBBER’s corporate philosophy “For Saving Your Hands” has been the driving force for developing our unique resin formulations, selecting perfect textile gloves, designing environmentally friendly facilities, and developing products conducive to workplace safety.
As a part of our business consolidation efforts, I am proud to announce our plan to establish our new base in the Jonan Industrial Park, combining our corporate headquarters where the company was originally founded and Jonan Plant. We are estimating about 2 years for completion of this consolidation. While changes in recent years have intensified, this consolidation will help strengthen our production technology and streamline the business.
In addition, we are dedicating ourselves to continue promoting international sales which was launched in full-scale in the beginning of 2011. We plan to seize business opportunities efficiently and achieve continuous growth in earnings by focusing on global environmental issues and resources/energy issues which have increasingly intensified in recent years.
I would like to declare that DIA RUBBER will continue its best effort in striving to grow its business by having entire company work together in unison. Thank you for supporting DIA RUBBER.